January 5, 2010


Rather than reflect on 2009 and what we did, what happened etc, lets focus on what we learned and apply it moving forward in 2010.
We always benefit from what we learn. We all had challenges in 2009, but what we learned from those challenges is what we shall apply to the new year.

Change is proof of learning: Whether it is a change that is only visible within our self or one the whole world can see, when we learn something it changes us and how we do things.
Think about teaching: A student hasn't learned how to post the trot, once they have their "ah-Ha" moment- its like flipping the switch that totally changes how they ride.
Learning changes everything. It has the beautiful ability to flip the switch from bouncy and difficult to smooth and rhythmical.

*What did you learn over the last year (or decade) that flipped your switch? How did it change your life?
We are constantly learning and applying newly acquired knowledge to everyday practices. Try to go with the flow and allow it to be simple. I often say "take something positive from a negative situation". You CAN from every challenge that cross' our paths.
Ex. Young man working as a groom for well respected hunter jumper facility. When asked to assist with grooming & cleaning at a regional show he was compensated for his time and accommodations. Upon arrival home young man realizes he lost money on this last trip. WHY- Because he realizes he was compensated for his time "at the show", and hotel was paid for. He also is know realizing that he was not compensated for fuel in his own vehicle, tolls, or the 6 hours of time total driving to and from the show. Realizing he actually lost money..... (all that was earned was spent on fuel, food, and tolls)..... He has a choice in the way he chooses to move forward with what he learned. He could choose to be bitter about the whole endeavor, or...... he could choose to take what was learned and apply it moving forward in his young life.
Examples like this happen all the time in our everyday lives.... at the hair salon- hair cut cost more than we expected, etc..... and we are left feeling a loss, or what happened scenario. So what is the positive from this situation? What changed that made us learn something? We were left in the end scratching our heads thinning we did the right thing but still got something messed up. What is it? What is the thing that got messed up?? What is the lesson learned?
Here it is........CLARITY. We did not think of everything the first time. We did not foresee there would be other costs. Happens all the time. Don't dwell on it, take the positive part of the lesson and move forward applying it to the future. Next time you are asked to do a job, ask more details. Or the next time you show up for a hair appt and the receptionist mentions kindly your 15 mins late when your confident your appt was at the correct time- make a mental note to start calling ahead. Your time and money is so much more valuable than we give it credit. And no one likes feeling "taken" afterwards.
Look at all the changes made and learn something from it. Look at everything on the sunny side and watch how you will glow with optimism!!!!