February 4, 2010


Ok folks this article is about why your horse or dog or whatever needs its own personal savings acount! Im not joking either. We all encounter challenges and lif comes at us a million miles an hour so when someone in the family gets laid off, the fuel bill is way more than you expected, your child is asking for a car and the registraion is now due on the horse trailer....... the last thing you you need is an odd lameness that sinks you further in the hole with a myriad of tests, lameness exams, Xrays and more!

Take it from someone who has been there and can speak from experience there is a way to do it! Everyone should have a savings acount implemented specifically just for their beloved pet and it is so easy, even on a restricted budget. In the past I have seen spending on emergencies justified like this: "we'll just use the house savings acount", or "I'll put it on my credit card" or "I will just pay from my checking acount" . Here are the reasons you should not. Your savings is there for a reason.... it is for saving- emergencies with the house, kids, spouse, retirement. Your checking is there for paying bills, tangible money for spending, and your monthly budget.

If you take from these accounts it may deplete very important already designated money for your already very important investments.

If we put careful planning into the welfare of our animals like we do our family and home we will all be better off in the long run and better prepared the "unlikely" event of an injury or illness.

Here are some simple ways to save for your best fury friends and they will love you for it!

Start by opening up a real live savings acount this week in you or your horse or pets name. Dont put it off any longer just do it. Now each week deposit what you can possibly afford. Here is a break down of what you will have saved in a year according to what you stash each time you make a very $worthy$ investment deposit:

If you deposit:
$5 a week in 12 months you will have saved $260
$10 a week in 12 months you will have saved $520
$15 a week in 12 months you will have saved $780
$20 a week in 12 months you will have saved $1040
$50 a week in 12 months you will have saved $2600

If you already have an emergency fund in place congratulations!!!! Job well done! Now keep it growing by adding to it each week. Whether you are just starting a savings acount for your fur friends or adding to an existing account, know you are doing the best thing possible for your animals and you are alleviating additional stress on you and your family "if" an emergency strikes. When you have a little savings built up, make sure to treat you and your pet to a massage or accupunture treatment, i'm sure they will thank you for it.

Happy Saving!!!