August 31, 2009

What are you made of?

Well we could answer one way and say particles, atoms, engergy, skin, etc. Or we could go with the unknown. The part of you that one might call "Guts" or "Chutz-pa"!
A quote I really love is:

"Sometimes all that stands between you and the RIDE OF A LIFETIME is simply getting in the saddle and seeing what you're made of" -Unknown-

Simply means that you have to go out there and try new things, no matter how scared you are. Reach out to your friends, family and mentors for guidance when you don't know. Don't be afraid and get up on that tall horse and ride it as long as you can!

I could not be as successful as I am if it were not for the support system and mentors I have in my life. They have shown me and guided me to think for myself and when I don't have the answers I accept their help to guide me as well.

I dare you to go out there and ride that tall dark horse and find what your made of!

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