March 30, 2009

The Journey!!

"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end"
Have you ever found yourself working towards a goal or a commitment, perhaps you have an expectation of what you want to happen? Don't feel bad we all do to a certain degree. When we focus constantly on the goal or the "end" then we do not always enjoy the journey. We do not see all the little wonderful things that surround us everyday, all the "gifts" that are right in front of us every day.
I learn more and more from our 5 wonderful horses, friends, students, and mostly my husband Michael. From that quiet moment in the stall with my beautiful Friesian mare who wants to please me in the worst way..... when I rub her face she actually smiles! The corners of her soft black lips curl up and she smiles, and I know that at that moment she is as happy as I am. She has a place to belong to now and she knows it. To every time my husband does something small yet so significant. He is a saint. A week or so ago he came home with a brand new "red" manure fork, wrote my name on it and hung it up on the wall where my absolute favorite manure fork had hung, only the week before it had finally broke. I came in the barn and found my new fork and saw he had written my name on it with a black marker. I went out side and found him, thanked him, and gave him a hug and a kiss. He said "you know, some girls get flowers, but your happy with a manure fork"!!!
These my friends are the simple pleasures we need to stop and enjoy more along our journey. As they say "smell the roses".
Yesterday was a rainy Sunday, so we did grocery shopping, rented a movie and watched it in front of the fireplace. Slowing down for a few hours was such treat that we or I do not do often enough.
Enjoy the ride! Love the journey! Smell the roses! Slow down! Be grateful!
Happy Monday
Cheers, Meghan

1 comment:

RossRider said...

I concur it is often that we as adults live so very fast paced. When I have a flashbulb memory from childhood that is so very vivid and poignant I realize why. As children we are innocent and concerned with the "NOW" not what is next or how will we get there!All journeys are unique. Mine has certainly been colorful at the very least. I may have missed a few roses but as I age, gracefully I hope, I am more interested in the Now! Now, I am enjoying and laughing with all the curious and spectacular personalities at SHF. This does not exclude our four legged friends who are just as spectacular and even more curious. Each person and animal has a special place at SHF. All add a different dimension to the journeys we walking or trotting!! Each visit or ride at SHF is hearkening to a time when simplicity was OK. This is a gentle reminder to not only "smell the roses" but also to look at them!