March 13, 2009

Spring & Random Acts of Kindness

Greeting all! Seems the temperature is sneaking a little higher and higher every week. I welcome it, even if it brings a little mud here and there. Lighter longer is feeling great, the robins are out and the sun is warm on our faces.
Lots of news from the farm. All are well, aside from a few stifle injuries this winter on the ice and mud we are hanging in there and all are very healthy! The trails are beckoning our names. We have ventured out a few times, and they are in decent shape. Water crossings are melting and easier to cross, not much mud or downed limbs. We will soon be having a trail clean up day, as well as a farm clean up weekend!!! Yeah.....we have fun and provide food and drink for those who want to attend. I will post more information soon...

We would like to thank Shayna and Alicia both for choosing to board with us. It is not that often it seems that appreciation is given to those we provide a service too. We are so happy that you both found your way to SHF! It has been and will continue to be a true pleasure.

We would also like to thank Pam who is now leasing our Belgian gelding "Garth" who she has affectionately nick named "Garth Vader".... yes we laughed at this one too! She has put in the extra time and diligence and will be working closely to bring him along with his riding and driving training. Thank you too for finding us. You have been an immense help!

We would also like to thank Jaqui for all her donations of her time helping out at the barn and to her supportive husband and son who drop in to help too!! We look forward to seeing you all more often.

We are so grateful for all the "donated" time that has been given here at SHF. We wanted to recognize this gift. When people donate and volunteer their own time it goes much deeper than just "thanks". It is a gift that is given "just because". To us, this is one of the most valuable gifts we as humans can give. It comes from the heart and means the most. Imagine if more people in this world will stop and smell the roses for a minute. To recognize these individuals for who and what they really are??? To say "hey, thanks for holding the door for me" or "thanks for throwing the horses another flake of hay for me", or " can I get you a coffee?"

It seems more and more people are taking advantage of these acts of kindness, and we let them. The moral of the story folks is....if you have not done a random act of kindness just because , and just because you are not expecting anything in return but perhaps a smile, ACT NOW..... pay for someones coffee in line at Dunkin Doughnuts, hold the door for someone who has their hands full, let the elderly gentleman or lady go in front of you at the grocery line. Enjoy the feeling you will have inside, the giving you just gave may have just made their day. You will feel immediately feel gratitude for this act. And on the reciprocal end of this....when someone does a random act of kindness and you are the receiver- say THANK-YOU!

To all, have a fabulous Friday!!!!!

Peace, Love & Light

Meghan and Michael

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