March 18, 2009

One door closes.......Another opens??

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."

I love this quote! So often we find ourselves looking at that closed door we really do not see the little opportunities that are presented to us, each and every day. If we really look at every sign and every event as a "message" or a "sign" we can begin to realize our everyday opportunities.
The universe has a strange sense of humor! Remember to always do what makes you the happiest. Even when it takes us a little out of our comfort zone to get there. Ask questions, don't assume. You will get answers that will ultimately help you make a decision on how to move forward and make yourself happy. Watch for the signs...... the doors that open, be aware of the "OPTIONS" that exist in everyday life.

Perhaps you applied at a company for a job that you knew would have good benefits and be a wise choice for your future, you interview and feel confident you will get this position. All is well right?? Over the weekend something happens.... a new door opens and this amazing position is offered at a company you never thought you would get into because you looked at the closed door too long! While you were putting out the vibe that you were looking for a job that you would really enjoy.... the vibe was picked up and a new door was opened for you.

These doors open and close all the time. Recognize which ones are for you. Recognize the draw that entices you to the new door opening! Smile and enjoy your day!!

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